
Tuesday, 24 July 2012

Art Foundation

I mentioned in my very first post that I was going to do an Art Foundation course at Southampton City College in september, finally the letter telling me what's going to happen, what i need to bring and stuff came through.
It's quite exiting really, so today I went to town and bought some (not all) of the supplies i'll need for september, they include a set of pencils 6B - 4H Derwent 12 Graphic Medium, a box of 30 Coates willow charcoal, some super cheap paintbrushes from WHsmith's and 3 sheets of pastel paper.
The summer project is this;
  • Visit as many galleries and exhibitions as possible (awesome!)
  • Make a list of all the things on your mantel piece/shelf/windowsill from left to right, then make a drawing of it using a 2B pencil on A2 size paper, spend a minimum of two hours on it, it's important to get shapes and proportions as accurate as possible. So now I'm doomed, I can't draw in proportion even when I trace things.
  • Draw a self portrait of yourself using charcoal on A2 paper, use a mirror not a photograph or imagination, spend 2 hours minimum on this
  • get someone to take a photographs of your head from the front, sides and back and print these as 5x4 images
  • and a list of 5 things you like and 5 things you dislike. (weird) 
Should be fun!

I just have to ignore the fact i've never used charcoal before, only used HB pencils and don't have a pretty enough windowsill and no mantelpiece and oh the supplies are really damn expensive!

I also bought a new bag and a pair of earrings, and picked up my prints from snappy snaps, and the guy who gave me my prints asked me what kind of photography I liked I said fine art/experimental and he said you might like what I do, and gave me a card.
the website was have a look if you dare...

I mean I can appreciate the images artistically like I can with Rankin's work, but I'm not into bondage thank-you very much.

Photo of the Bargate in southampton City Centre taken on a Holga 120 using Ilford (HP5??) 400 film
©Amy Scott-Pillow all rights reserved

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